Wednesday 5 March 2014

Hazard would like to be considered the best player in the world, but acknowledges that he has to double his efforts...I believe he can get there someday, what do you think?

Eden Hazard has bluntly admitted he needs to be twice the player he is at the moment to overthrow Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi as the greatest in the world.‘I would like to be considered the best in the world, but there is a gap at the moment. What do I have to do to close it? Score goals, go past players, pass the ball. Basically the same as now, only two times better.‘I have to excel at the highest level week-in week-out, but I cannot claim to be doing that yet. I think I have proved myself in the Premier League, but I have to do the same in the Champions League. That is the ultimate stage to judge yourself on. I have to show what I can do at that level, against the best around.’

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